Friday, 4 July 2014

2012 VP113, sociability based in the knowledge of human nature

2012 VP113 is an inner Oort cloud object discovered in November of 2012 and announced in March of 2014. There is a prediscovery image back to October of 2011. It has a perihelion of 80.32 AU and an aphelion of 456.17 AU. The semimajor axis is at 268.25 AU. It has an orbital period of 4394 years. It reached the perihelion in December of 1977. It has an inclination of 24.0º. It has a diameter of about 600 km.

Like in the movie "Trouble with the Curve" (2012), 2012 VP113 combines the sociability of 80 UA (perihelion) with spiritual intelligence of the inner Oort cloud (aphelion) and is directed toward the anthropology of the scattered disc objects with very high aphelion, were is located its semimajor axis, like in the TV Series "Centennial" (1978) and "Homeland" (2011).

"Trouble with the Curve" (2012)

2012 VP113 reached its perihelion at end of the seventies. At that time --due to the interest in Eastern religions and self-help techniques of the Aquarian Age-- began to popularize social relationships based on psychology and the knowledge of the human being, as disciple-spiritual teacher, patient-therapist, companions of lectures or seminars of New Age,...

"Radio Rebel" (2012)