(148780) Altjira is a classical Kuiper belt binary object discovered in October of 2001 and named in August of 2008. It has a perihelion of 41.3 AU and an aphelion of 46.9 AU. It has a diameter of about 340 km. It has an inclination of 5.2º.
A moon of (148780) Altjira was discovered in March of 2007, with a diameter of about 250 km.
Australian Aboriginal mythology
Altjira is the sky god in Australian Aboriginal mythology. He was the central god of the Dream time. Altjira created the Earth and then retired to the sky. He is depicted as having an emu's feet.
"Dreaming" is also often used to refer to an individual's or group's set of beliefs or spirituality.
"Aboriginals believe in two forms of time; two parallel streams of activity. One is the daily objective activity, the other is an infinite spiritual cycle called the 'dreamtime', more real than reality itself. Whatever happens in the dreamtime establishes the values, symbols, and laws of Aboriginal society. It was believed that some people of unusual spiritual powers had contact with the dreamtime." (Wikipedia: Dreamtime)
Points of singularity in the timeline
The notion and understanding of (148780) Altjira looks towards to unchangeable and fixed points in the timeline, like astrological configurations, climatic, meteorologic and geological accidents, collective events, for example, the discovery of an astronomical object,
that mark a before and after in the collective consciousness.
(148780) Altjira has the ability to understand the abstract language of astrology, prophecy and mythology, like in the movie "10.000" (2008), "The Mothman Prophecies" (2002), "Joseph: King of Dreams" (2000), the PS3 video game "Uncharted: Drake's Fortune" (2007), or "Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark" (1981).
C. G. Jung has the Axis of the Crossing Points of the Age Progressions (Moon Node Horoscope / Basis Horoscope) in trine/sextile with 2002 UX25 in Sagittarius, and in square with Asbolus in Cancer. Altjira in Sagittarius is conjunct 2002 UX25 and in trine with the Sun in Leo.
Mythology and astrological meaning of centaurs and trans-Neptunian objects
Friday, 10 October 2008
Monday, 22 September 2008
50000 Quaoar, creation by wiki platform structure
50000 Quaoar is a classical Kuiper belt object discovered in June of 2002. It has a perihelion of 41.7 AU and an aphelion of 45.1 AU. It has a diameter of about 890 km. There are prediscovery images back to August and June of 2001, August-June of 2000, August of 1997, July of 1996, May of 1985, April of 1984, May of 1983, July of 1982, May of 1956 and May of1954. It has an inclination of 8.0º.
Mythology of Quaoar: the creation force of the Tongva Native American tribe
"'Quaoar' the great force of creation sings and dances the high ones (Deities) into existence. He dances and sings first 'Weywot' who becomes Sky Father; they sing and dance 'Chehooit' Earth Mother into existence. The trio sing 'Tamit' Grandfather Sun to life. As each divine one joins the singing and dancing, the song becomes more complex and the dance more complicated.
In turn 'Moar', Grandmother Moon (a very complex deity), 'Pamit' the Goddess of the sea, 'Manit', the Lord of dreams and visions, 'Manisar' the bringer of food and harvests, 'Tukupar Itar' Sky Coyote (who is also our major hero), 'Tolmalok', the Goddess of Shishongna (the underworld) join in the singing, dancing and creating.
And finally the great seven giants who hold up the worlds are created. The High Ones in turn are aided by 'Eagle, Duck, Bear, and Frog' in a grand earth diving story. Frog brings up soil out of the deep dark sea, and the four animals dance it flat and wide.
The 'Gods and Goddesses' then furnish the world 'Tovangar' with hills, mountains, trees, rivers, etc. 'Tobohar' (first man) and 'Pahavit' (first woman) are also part of this great 'Creation song and dance cycle'."
Web 2.0
Quaoar has the ability to create platform structures that allow wiki principles in almost every situation and context.
Some examples in Internet are the on-line encyclopedia wikipedia (2001), the NGO Nabuur (2001), or social network services; in computers are operative systems, where programs are installed, like the first Windows (1983) or Windows XP (2001); in trade are second hand stores, libraries or assisted reproductive technology centres; in nature are the ecosystems, in which the mythology of Quaoar is based. In the future civilization of the movie "Minority Report" (2002), the judicial system is based on a Quaoar platform structure. In the movie "Blood Diamond" (2006), there is an example of Quaoar on economy.
Mythology of Quaoar: the creation force of the Tongva Native American tribe
"'Quaoar' the great force of creation sings and dances the high ones (Deities) into existence. He dances and sings first 'Weywot' who becomes Sky Father; they sing and dance 'Chehooit' Earth Mother into existence. The trio sing 'Tamit' Grandfather Sun to life. As each divine one joins the singing and dancing, the song becomes more complex and the dance more complicated.
In turn 'Moar', Grandmother Moon (a very complex deity), 'Pamit' the Goddess of the sea, 'Manit', the Lord of dreams and visions, 'Manisar' the bringer of food and harvests, 'Tukupar Itar' Sky Coyote (who is also our major hero), 'Tolmalok', the Goddess of Shishongna (the underworld) join in the singing, dancing and creating.
And finally the great seven giants who hold up the worlds are created. The High Ones in turn are aided by 'Eagle, Duck, Bear, and Frog' in a grand earth diving story. Frog brings up soil out of the deep dark sea, and the four animals dance it flat and wide.
The 'Gods and Goddesses' then furnish the world 'Tovangar' with hills, mountains, trees, rivers, etc. 'Tobohar' (first man) and 'Pahavit' (first woman) are also part of this great 'Creation song and dance cycle'."
Web 2.0
Quaoar has the ability to create platform structures that allow wiki principles in almost every situation and context.
Some examples in Internet are the on-line encyclopedia wikipedia (2001), the NGO Nabuur (2001), or social network services; in computers are operative systems, where programs are installed, like the first Windows (1983) or Windows XP (2001); in trade are second hand stores, libraries or assisted reproductive technology centres; in nature are the ecosystems, in which the mythology of Quaoar is based. In the future civilization of the movie "Minority Report" (2002), the judicial system is based on a Quaoar platform structure. In the movie "Blood Diamond" (2006), there is an example of Quaoar on economy.
Saturday, 13 September 2008
(42301) 2001 UR163, efficient handle of personal desires and wishes
(42301) 2001 UR163 is a 4:9 resonant scattered disc object discovered in October of 2001. It has a perihelion of 36.8 AU and an aphelion of 66.1 AU (scattered disc object with low aphelion). It has a diameter of about 630 km. It came to perihelion around 1937. There are prediscovery images back to September of 1995, August of 1994, November of 1992, October of 1990 and August-July of 1982.
The emotional intelligence competence of (42301) 2001 UR163 is the efficient handle of personal desires and wishes, together with the frustration associated, like in the movies "The Affair of the Necklace" (2001), "An Officer and a Gentleman" (1982), "The Emperor's New Groove" (2001), "The Glass House" (2001), "E.T." (1982), and "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone" (2001).
The emotional intelligence competence of (42301) 2001 UR163 is the efficient handle of personal desires and wishes, together with the frustration associated, like in the movies "The Affair of the Necklace" (2001), "An Officer and a Gentleman" (1982), "The Emperor's New Groove" (2001), "The Glass House" (2001), "E.T." (1982), and "Harry Potter and Philosopher's Stone" (2001).
"How To Train Your Dragon" (2010)
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
(19521) Chaos, the spiritual laws that support personal freedom and free will

In the beginning, according to the Theogeny, there was Chaos, a neuter noun meaning “yawning” or “gap” (be wide open). Chaos was the dark void of space out of which the first objects of existence appeared. Chaos was followed soon after by the appearance of Gaia, the Earth.
The Gaia hypothesis, created by James Lovelock and Lynn Margulis, posits the world as a superorganism and offers an explanation of self-organization on a global scale in terms of stability and change.
(19521) Chaos has a deep understanding of the spiritual laws that support personal freedom and free will, like the book "The Power of Free-Will" (Annie Marquier, 1991), or the movie "Prince of Egypt" (Dream Works, 1998), "Spirit" (Dream Works, 2002), or like Wicca, a contemporary religion founded in 1953 ("An ye harm none, do what ye will").
"The Wicca Rede is a rule that means "do not harm". When performing Magick, follow this rule strictly. Specifically, the Rede means that you are not purposely hurt, injure, control, or abuse another. Harm none also means there should be no manipulation of another's free will." (Gwinevere Rain, 2002; "SpellCraft for Teens: A magickal Guide to Writing and Casting Spells")
"Can I cast a spell for another person? you ask. You sure can, but listen up...there are some things you will need to know first! If a friend or family member is sick, it's natural to turn directly to a healing spell, but before you cast anything, be sure to ask the person for permission to perform a spell. [...] Wiccans believe in free will. By casting a spell on someone without her permission (even a healing spell), you are invading on free will, which is harmful. If she doesn't want you to do a heling spell for her, then it's her loss!" (Gwinevere Rain, 2002; "SpellCraft for Teens: A magickal Guide to Writing and Casting Spells")
In the year 2002, Spain approved the law 41/2002 autonomy of the patient, which gives right to the patient to be informed by the doctor and establishes that, if older of twelve, the patient can not be medicated without its permission.
(19521) Chaos,
Kuiper belt object,
transneptunian object
Friday, 23 May 2008
(55637) 2002 UX25, identification link
(55637) 2002 UX25 is a classical Kuiper belt discovered in October of 2002. It has a perihelion of 36.8 AU and an aphelion of 48.9 AU. There are prediscovery images back to December and October of 2001, October of 1996, October of 1993 and October of 1991. It has an inclination of 19.4º.
A moon of (55637) 2002 UX25 was discovered in August of 2005, with a diameter of about 200 km.
Web 3.0
(55637) 2002 UX25 is related with the management of data bases and all type of identification links, like in the movies "Bourne Identity" (2002), "K-Pax" (2001), "Treasure Planet" (2002), "The Island" (2005) and "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991).
The objective with (55637) 2002 UX25 is to establish a link between two elements, like a determined person with his name, address, or other personal data, like his horoscope. Also can be between a fixed place with its position in the map or GPS coordinates; or a web page with its IP address. Another example is the precovery process during the identification of the orbit of a new object in the Solar System.
A moon of (55637) 2002 UX25 was discovered in August of 2005, with a diameter of about 200 km.
Web 3.0
(55637) 2002 UX25 is related with the management of data bases and all type of identification links, like in the movies "Bourne Identity" (2002), "K-Pax" (2001), "Treasure Planet" (2002), "The Island" (2005) and "The Silence of the Lambs" (1991).
"Serendipity" (2001)
The objective with (55637) 2002 UX25 is to establish a link between two elements, like a determined person with his name, address, or other personal data, like his horoscope. Also can be between a fixed place with its position in the map or GPS coordinates; or a web page with its IP address. Another example is the precovery process during the identification of the orbit of a new object in the Solar System.
Lumines (PSP, 2005)
Monday, 19 May 2008
(55565) 2002 AW197, the art of the stratagem
(55565) 2002 AW197 is a Kuiper belt object discovered in January of 2002. It has a perihelion of 41.1 AU and an aphelion of 53.5 AU. There are prediscovery images back to March-February of 2001, December and January of 2000 and December of 1997. It has an inclination of 24.3º. It has a diameter of about 700 km.
The "Thirty-Six Stratagems" was a Chinese essay used to illustrate a series of stratagems used in politics, war, as well as in civil interaction. (55565) 2002 AW197 uses the art of the stratagem in problem-solving, like the strategic therapy used by Prot with Howie in the movie "K-Pax" (2001), or by Cesar Millan, the dog trainer, in the TV show "The Dog Whisperer" (2004), or the movies "Confidence" (2002) and "Secretary" (2002).
The most outstanding of (55565) 2002 AW197 is its capability for distinguish if an estratagem is giving the expected results, or is worsen the situation. Estratagems are usually very simple, but not intuitive in its effects.
A parodian example of (55565) 2002 AW197 could be the Super Genius Warner Bross "Wile E. Coyote".
"Kung Fu Panda" (2008)
The most outstanding of (55565) 2002 AW197 is its capability for distinguish if an estratagem is giving the expected results, or is worsen the situation. Estratagems are usually very simple, but not intuitive in its effects.
A parodian example of (55565) 2002 AW197 could be the Super Genius Warner Bross "Wile E. Coyote".
"Kung Fu Panda" (2008)
(55565) 2002 AW197,
Kuiper belt object,
transneptunian object
Monday, 3 March 2008
(48639) 1995 TL8, common sense while reasoning

In November of 2002, a moon was discovered, with a diameter of about 165 km.
In 1995, Daniel Goleman published the book "Emotional Intelligence". (48639) 1995 TL8 has a skilled common sense while reasoning, like Togusa in the movie "Ghost in the Shell" (1995) and the TV anime "Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex" (2002), or the detective Conan in the Japanese manga-anime "Case Closed [Detective Conan]" (1994,1996). The main theme of the movie "Crimson Tide" (1995) is also common sense.
"Ghost in the Shell" (1995)
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