The collective efforts to reestablish the dynamical equilibrium of the ozone Layer began around the prediscovery of the asteroid (5869) Tanith in the year 1977 and reached a culmination point during the prediscoveries of (315530) 2008 AP129 in the year 1992:

Omaticaya culture
During the presdicovery of (315530) 2008 AP129, Melanie Reinhart published her book "Chiron and the Healing Journey" (1989), were she describes the shamanic culture as harmonic with the natural environment. She also describes the ecologic movement of (5869) Tanith that overstriked the discovery of Chiron.
In the movie "Avatar" (2009), the omaticaya culture of the indigenous tribe in Pandora (the moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Century star system), based in a symbiosis with the natural environment and the right conservation of the natural resources, is reinforced by the contrast of the human culture that tries to colonize the planet to obtain unobtanium (a precious mineral with superconducting properties) and comes to destroy the Tree of Souls (where the mineral is concentrated underneath) and damage the biological neural network native to Pandora.
Other related movies with (315530) 2008 AP129 are "Abyss" (1989), "The Day The Earth Stood Still" (2008), "Gomorra" (2008), "Nim's Island" (2008) and "Battle in Seattle" (2007).
Differences between (13647) Makemake and (315530) 2008 AP129:
While (13647) Makemake is related to sustainable developement, (315530) 2008 AP129 is related to sustainable conservation.
"We do not inherit the Earth from our Ancestors, we borrow it from our children." (Ancient Indian proverb)