Orbital resonance:
8:15 with Neptune (99.9%).
Mythology of Makemake
In the mythology of the South Pacific island of Rapa Nui (Eastern Island), Makemake was a sea bird deity carring an egg.
In the movie "Rapa Nui", the Birdman had to race with an egg hold in his head, taking strong care that will not be broken. That care for growing life is the main theme of (13647) Makemake, like in the movie "The Revenge of the Sith", that appeared in the year 2005, when (13647) Makemake was discovered, or the movie "Kung Fu Panda", that appeared in the year 2008, when (13647) 2005 FY9 was named (13647) Makemake.
Other movies based in the rules for sustainable development are "The Perfect Man" (2005), "Just Friend" (2005), "Sinbad: The Legend of the Seven Seas" (2003) and "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" (2002).

Sustainable development
(13647) Makemake is the spiritual knowledge that guarantee the right development of life existence, no matter if that is the whole Earth, a civilization, a teamwork project, a relationship, or a disciple.