Tuesday, 4 February 2025

Taowu, Chinese mythology for (471325) 2011 KT19

On February 3, 2025, the damocloid centaur 2011 KT19 was officially named (471325) Taowu.
"One of the Four Perils of Chinese mythology, Taowu is a ferocious and stubborn beast said to lurk within the western regions of China. It is depicted as having a human head, tiger legs, boar tusks, and a long tail." (WGSBN Bulletin 5, #2).
This mythological creature combines emotional and mental intelligence (human head), the ability to catch and grab its prey (tiger legs), initiative and forward momentum (boar tusks), and a great sense of balance when moving and rejoining (long tail).
The concept of 'peril' in Ancient China is explained in the hexagram nº 29 of I-Ching, entitled "“The Abysmal”". It refers to the ability to analyze all the possibilities and aspects of a situation, which allows one to find the correct and most appropriate solution to it.
The damocloid centaur Taowu is in resonance 1:18 with Jupiter (semi-major axis), which indicates faith and confidence in resolving situations that are untimely, out of place or inverted; and in resonance 1:2 with Neptune (aphelion), which indicates the capacity for infiltration. Its retrograde and highly inclined orbit is related to inner experiences that are very far from the everyday and the habitual.

Monday, 27 December 2021

(241097) 2007 DU112, resonant leadership focused on physical safety

(241097) 2007 DU112 is a scattered disc object (medium aphelion) discovered in February of 2007. There is a prediscovery image back to January of 2003.

It reached the perihelion in July of 2006 (also in October of 1749). It reached the aphelion in March of 1878 (also in May of 1621).

It has a perihelion of 9.01 AU and an aphelion of 71.78 AU. The semimajor axis is at 40.40 AU. It has an orbital period of 256 years and 290 days. It has an inclination of 15.7º (trevigintile@15º39', 0º02' orb). It has a diameter of about 27 km.

It has the following orbital resonances:

Semi-major axis:
9:14 with Neptune (99.8)
13:6 with Eris (%100.0)

6:1 con Neptuno (98.6)
7:16 con Júpiter (99.9)
12:11 con Saturno (99.7)
3:11 with Neptune (99.3)

The object 2007 DU112 combines the physical security of Saturn with the resonant leadership of the intermediate zone of the scattered disc. In issues related to physical safety, internal emotions reach such a degree of intensity that they are externalized to the environment, causing resonance in others.
"Uncharted" (PS3, 2007)

Nolan North, voice and motion capture actor, in the video game "Uncharted" (PS3, 2007), has 2007 DU112 in Taurus (11th Moon-Node House, cusp), in conjunction with Ceres; and in quincunx with Neptune in Scorpio (4th Moon-Node House, cusp), which is in sextile with Pluto in Virgo (6th Moon-Node House, cusp).
Emily Rose, voice and motion capture actress, in the video game "Uncharted" (PS3, 2007), has 2007 DU112 in Taurus (4th Moon-Node House, cusp), in quincunx with Jupiter-Saturn in Libra (11th Moon-Node House, cusp); and focal in (cuadra)novil@160º with Uranus in Scorpio (9th Moon-Node House) and with the Black Moon in Libra (10th Moon-Node House), which are in novil@40º aspect (base of the triangle).
Jennifer Aniston, actress of the movie "The Goog Girl" (2002), has 2007 DU112 in Aries (12th Moon-Node House, cusp), in upper quincunx with Neptune in Scorpio (5th Moon-Node House, cusp). During filming, the Age Progression in the Moon-Node Horoscope (AP-N), was on the cusp of the 6th Moon-Node House, in opposition to 2007 DU112 and in semisextile with Neptune.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

(567129) 2021 CD4, leap of faith that could be devastating

(567129) 2021 CD4 is a centaur discovered in February of 2021. There are prediscovery images back to January of 2021, December-November of 2020, January of 2019, December-October of 2018, December-September of 2017, September of 2016, January of 2016, December of 2015 and October of 2015.

It reached the perihelion in November of 2020 (also in April of 1982). It reached the aphelion in August of 2001 (also in January of 1963).

Its orbit is between Jupiter and 17 UA. It has a perihelion of 5.27 AU and an aphelion of 17.57 AU. The semimajor axis is at 11.42 AU. It has an orbital period of 38 years and 218 days. It has an inclination of 19.9º (seminovile 20º, 0º04' orb).

It has the following orbital resonances:

"Ghostbusters: Afterlife" (2021)
Semi-major axis:
4:13 with Jupiter (99.9)
17:4 with Neptune (99.5)
8:1 with Varda (%100.0)
7:1 with 2005 RN43 (%100.0)
7:1 with 2002 MS4 (99.9)
7:1 with 2004 GV9 (99.8)

17:7 with Saturn (99.8)
3:10 with Vesta (%100.0)
8:21 with Ceres (99.9)
8:21 with Pallas (99.9)
9:25 with Juno (99.9)
6:13 with Hygiea (99.8)

2:5 with Saturn (%100.0)
8:7 with Uranus (99.8)
17:5 with Pluto (99.5)
9:4 with Neptuno (99.4)
4:25 with Júpiter (99.4)
Centaur 2021 CD4 was discovered just before Covid-19 vaccines were distributed. Pharmaceutical laboratories took the risk of manufacturing large quantities of their vaccine models before knowing the results of the clinical trials and without knowing whether they were going to be authorized or not. This allowed it to be applied en masse, almost immediately after it was approved.
The centaur 2021 CD4 combines the trust, faith and positive expectations of Jupiter, with the fulminant quality of 17 AU.
"Raya and the Last Dragon" (2021)
Kelly Marie Tran, voice actress in the movie "Raya and the Last Dragon" (2021), has 2021 CD4 in Capricorn (3rd Moon-Node House), conjunct Uranus, and in opposition to Chiron in Cancer (9th Moon-Node House).
Mckenna Grace, actress of the movie "Ghostbusters Beyond" (2021), has 2021 CD4 in Pisces (1st Moon-Node House, low point) near Uranus; in quincunx with Mars-Vesta in Leo (8th Moon-Node House, low point).
Daniel Brühl, actor in the movie "The Next Door" (2021), has 2021 CD4 Taurus (5th Moon-Node House) in aspect (heptadeca)quartinovile@170º with Uranus in Scorpio (11th Moon-Node House); and in aspect (trideca)quartinovile@130º with the Lunar Node in llibra (1st Moon-Node House), which is in novile with Uranus.

Tuesday, 22 June 2021

Alicanto, Chilean mythology for (474640) 2004 VN112

On May, 14, 2021, the object 2004 VN112 was officially named (474640) Alicanto.
"The Alicanto is a Chilean mythological bird of the Atacama Desert whose wings shine at night with beautiful, metallic colors. A miner who follows it can find rich mineral outcrops or treasures, but if the Alicanto discovers that it's being followed, it will turn off the shining of its wings and scuttle away in the darkness of the night. [Ref: WGSBN Bull. 1, #1, 30]"

(474640) Alicanto is a detached extreme transneptunian object (Kuiper belt I) discovered in November of 2004. There is a prediscovery image back to September of 2000.

It reached the perihelion in June of 2009.

The orbit is located between the Kuiper belt and the inner Oort cloud. It has a perihelion of 47.29 AU and an aphelion of 590.64 AU. The semimajor axis is at 318.97 AU. It has an orbital period of 5696 years and 271 days. It has an inclination of 25.6º (semiseptile 25º43 [=(tri)septile 154º17' > 0º Libra], 0º07' orb). It has a diameter of about 315 km.

It has the following orbital resonances:
"Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas" (2003)
Semi-major axis:
1:23 with Pluto (%100.0)
1:21 with Salacia (99.9)
1:11 with Saturn (99.6)
1:2 with Neptune (98.7)
5:6 with Salacia (%100.0)
12:7 with Eris (99.8)

The object Alicanto combines the infiltration ability of twotinos (perihelion in 1:2 resonance with Neptune) and the capacity to make drastic decisions based on priority criteria according on the severity of the consequences (perihelion in 1:11 resonance with Saturn), with the spiritual intelligence of objects of the Oort cloud (aphelion).
"Gone in 60 Seconds" (2000)

The purpose of the object Alicanto is to protect life, ensuring its development and evolution in the right direction. For this, it is capable of making very difficult decisions --in which in addition to advantages there may be significant disadvantages or risks--, evaluating according to statistical criteria or artificial intelligence algorithms.
"I-Robot" (2004)
Thanks to its ability to hide its intentions, it is able to do something valuable for others or for itself, even while immersed in circumstances of mass surveillance.

Alfred Lanning, "I-Robot" (2004)
Nicolas Cage, actor of the movie "Gone in 60 seconds", has Alicanto in Pisces (5th Moon-Node House), in sextile with Vesta in Capricorn (7th Moon-Node House).
James Cromwell, actor of the movie "The Sum of All Fears" (2002) and "I-Robot" (2004), has Alicanto in Aquarius (9th Moon-Node House), in quincunx with the Moon-Vertex in Virgo (2nd Moon-Node House); cuartinovile@10º with Mercury; and novile Juno.
Lena Headey, actress of the TV series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" (2008), has Alicanto in Pisces (10th Moon-Node House), in square with Juno in Sagittarius (1st Moon-Node House) [which is in conjunction with Ceres]. She has Neptune in semisextile with the Black Moon, both which form quartinovile and seminovile with Alicanto. 
Claire Danes, actress of the TV series "Homeland" (2011-2020), has Alicanto in Pisces (12th Moon-Node House), near Mercurio, at the midpoint of the Sol-Pallas sextile; and square with Crossing axis of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope) in Gemini/Sagittarius.
Dave Eggers, author of the novel "The Circle" (2013), has Alicanto in Pisces (7th Moon-Node House), in conjunction with Mercury; and opposition to the South Node of the Moon.
Naomie Harris, supporting actress in the movie "Street Kings" (2008), has Alicanto in Pisces [low point] (8th Moon-Node House), in trine with Pallas in Cancer [low point] (4th Moon-Node House); novile the Black Moon.
Carmen Maura, actress of the movie "La Comunidad" (2000), has Alicanto in Aquarius (5th Moon-Node House), trine Uranus in Gemini (1st Moon-Node House); quincunx Juno in Virgo (10th Moon-Node House); and in square with the Crossing Axis of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope) in the signs Taurus/Scorpio. 
Britney Spears, singer, dancer, songwriter, model and actress, has Alicanto in Pisces (5th Moon-Node House, cusp), in opposition to Mars; in square with Neptune in Sagittarius (8th Moon-Node House); and in sextile Venus in Capricorn (7th nMoon-Node House).

Thursday, 17 June 2021

ǂKágára, South African mythology for (469705) 2005 EF298

On June 16, 2021, the object (469705) 2005 EF298 and its moon, were officially named ǂKágára and ǃHãunu, respectively.
"In the mythology of the ǀXam people of the Karoo region of southern Africa, ǂKágára  and ǃHãunu fought an epic battle in the east using thunder and lightning, producing mountainous clouds and rain. The conflict was over ǂKáágára returning his younger sister, ǃHãunu's wife, to their parents. [The primary is being named  ǂKágára and the satellite is being named ǃHãunu.]" [Ref: WGSBN Bulletin 1, #3] 
The story, recorded in the 19th century in the now extinct ǀXam language of South Africa, tells the dispute between ǂKágára and his brother-in-law ǃHãunu. When ǂKágára came to fetch his sister and take her to their parents' house, ǃHãunu chased them and began to throw lightning at ǂKá̦gára, but ǂKá̦gára was unhurt and one of the rays bounced backwards, reaching ǃHãunu, who died slowly amidst the shaking of thunder.
"Downrange" (2017)

(469705) ǂKágára is a Kuiper belt object III (Kuiper clift III) discovered in March of 2005.

It reached the perihelion in April of 1747 (also in January of 1457). It reached the aphelion in May of 1892 (also in March of 1602).

Its orbit is located in the Kuiper belt. It has a perihelion of 40.00 AU and an aphelion of 47.65 AU. The semimajor axis is at 43.82 AU. It has an orbital period of 290 years and 61 days. It has an inclination of 2.9º. It has a diameter of about 138 + 122 km.
The moon of the object ǂKágára was discovered in January 2009 and was announced in the year 2011.
From 2015 to 2035, several mutual occultations have occurred and will continue to occur between the object ǂKágára and its moon.

It has the following orbital resonances:

Semi-major axis:

6:7 with Pluto (99.6)
23:12 with Eris (%100.0)
with Neptune (99.5)
"Déjà vu" (2006)

2:7 with Uranus (98.7)
with Quaoar (98.9)

1:3 with Uranus (99.6)
with Makemake (%100.0)
with Eris (99.9)

1:2 with Neptune (99.8)
6:7 with Varuna (99.9)
5:3 with Gonggong (99.8)
3:4 with Pluto (99.6)
The object ǂKágára is related with karmic invulnerability and instantaneous karmic returns (2:7 resonance with Uranus).
James Marsden (Straw Dogs, 2011)
The object ǂKágára can solve the difficulties faced, by intuitively knowing the factors that cause blockage and how to deactivate or activate it, causing a sudden change of conditions (2:7 resonance with Uranus). And for that, ǂKágára has the ability to hide personal aspects that may interfere in the process (1:2 resonance with Neptune) and the ability to redefine the situation based on unequivocal evidence (11:5 resonance with Eris). 
James Marsden, actor of the movie "Straw Dogs" (2011), has ǂKágára in Cancer (low point) (6th Moon-Node House), trine Pallas in Scorpio (low point) (2nd Moon-Node House) [which it is in square with the Crossing Axis of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope) in the signs Leo/Aquarius]; and (bi)novile Mercury in Libra (3rd Moon-Node House).
Giovanni Ribisi, actor of the movie "Flight of the Phoenix" (2004), has ǂKágára in Cancer (5th Moon-Node House), near Saturn, in (bi)novile@80º with Pluto in Libra (3er Moon-Node House, cusp).
Denzel Washington, actor of the movie "Déjà vu" (2006), has ǂKágára in Gemini (7th Moon-Node House), in (cuadra)novile@160º with the Black Moon in Sagittarius (2nd Moon-Node House, cusp).

Friday, 16 April 2021

(589683) 2010 RF43, openness in considering alternative versions of a certain story

(589683) 2010 RF43 is a scattered disc object (low aphelion) discovered in September of 2010. There are prediscovery images back to July of 1977 and August of 1976.

It reached the perihelion in January of 1925 (also in July of 1574). It reached the aphelion in October of 1749 (also in April of 1399).

Its orbit is located between the inner zone of the Kuiper belt and the nearby zone of the scattered disc (low aphelion). It has a perihelion of 37.67 AU and an aphelion of 61.75 AU. The semimajor axis is at 49.71 AU. It has an orbital period of 350 years and 190 days. It has an inclination of 30.6º (semisextile 30º, 0º34' orb). It has a diameter of about 460 km.

It has the following orbital resonances:
Amy Ryan (Green Zone, 2009)
Semi-major axis:
8:17 with Neptuno (99.9)
6:25 with Urano (99.9)
8:5 with
Eris (99.7)
11:7 with
Gonggong (%100.0)
4:5 with
Haumea (99.8)

4:11 with
Urano (99.9)
17:7 with
Eris (99.8)
5:7 with
Neptuno (99.8)
4:3 with
Varda (99.8)
7:6 with
2005 RN43 (99.8)

7:11 with
Varda (%100.0)
5:8 with
2010 KZ39 (99.9)
5:9 with
2002 MS4 (99.9)
2:3 with
2002 AW197 (99.5)
During the discovery of object 2010 RF43, a turning point occurred in the narrative style of TV series in general.
There are situations in which the demand for information is very high, and yet the information available is minimal; so any news on the topic in question spreads quickly. Due to the little information available, the perception of the situation can be quite different from reality.
"Star Wars: A New Hope" (1977)

The object 2010 RF43 is related with the expectation of new data and information, and the openness to considering alternative versions on a theme of interest (resonance 8:17 Neptune).
"Star Wars: The Return of the Jedi" (1983) 

Amy Ryan, actress of the movie "Green Zone" (2009), has 2010 RF43 in Capricorn (4th Moon-Node House, cusp), square Saturn in Aries (1st Moon-Node House, cusp), which is in (bi)quintile with Neptune in Scorpio (5th Moon-Node House).
"Green Zone" (2009)

George Lucas, screenwriter, director and producer of the movie "Star Wars: A New Hope" (1977) and "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" (1983), has 2010 RF43 in Sagittarius (9th Moon-Node House), near the Crossing Point of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope), in trine with Pluto in Leo (12th Moon-Node House); in quincunx with Mercury in Taurus (3rd Moon-Node House); and in opposition to Pallas, which is conjunct Uranus.
Mark Hamill, actor in the movie "Star Wars: A New Hope" (1977), has 2010 RF43 in Sagittarius (3rd Moon-Node House), trine the Vertex in Leo (7th Moon-Node House).
Liz Green, author of the astrology book "Saturn, A New Approach to an Old Devil" (1976), has 2010 RF43 in Sagittarius (7th Moon-Node House), semisextile/quincunx with the Crossing Axis of Age Progressions (Signs Horoscope) in Taurus/Scorpio axis (2/8 houses axis).
Richard Armitage, actor of the TV series "The Stranger" (2020), has 2010 RF43 in Capricorn (1st Moon-Node House) in opposition to Ceres.
Hannah John-Kamen, actress of the TV series "The Stranger" (2020), has 2010 RF43 in Aquarius (1st Moon-Node House), focal of a yod pattern, with the Sun in Virgo (6th Moon-Node House) and Chiron in Cancer (8th Moon-Node House); and in (bi)quintile with Mars in Virgo (6th Moon-Node House).
Hailey Baldwin (wife of the actor Alec Baldwin), English-Spanish bilingual person, around whom a great commotion on the Internet was created, during the fall-winter of 2020, when it was discovered that she was not actually Spanish but American as had been published and disseminated in the media. She has 2010 RF43 in Aquarius (5th Moon-Node House), conjunct Pallas; in sextile with Venus in Sagittarius (7th Moon-Node House); and in semisextile with the Black Moon in Pisces (5th Moon-Node House). "La mujer que fingió su identidad: HILARIA BALDWIN" (Superholly, 23 Abr 2021)